

YWCA computer clubhouse in Tuggeranong hopes to empower young people

Medbem Aboy 8, Jack Engel 12, and Yayei Aboy 10, all of Richardson play with electronics kits at YMCA Canberra's Computer Clubhouse.

  Disadvantaged youth in Canberra's south will be able to improve their digital skills and confidence thanks to the launch of a computer clubhouse by the YWCA on Friday.
The Richardson-based clubhouse will be open to all youth in Tuggeranong aged between 10 and 18 years and aims to provide a creative and collaborative out-of-school learning environment.
The centre adjacent to the Richardson Primary School was formerly launched by Minister for Children and Young People Mick Gentleman who described the clubhouse as a "fantastic initiative" for Canberra's disadvantaged youth.
"For many of the young people involved, it will be their first out of school learning experience so this is a great opportunity for some of our young Canberrans," he said.