An anti-radar technology developed by the military with the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). This technology is expected to strengthen the main tools of weapons systems (defense equipment) belonging to the TNI.
Vice Chairman of the Board of TNI Innovation Competition Jury 2014, Avanti Fontana explains, this technology was created by using the basic ingredients of shrimp shells (chitosan) and fish bone (hydroxyapatite). The development of this technology has been carried out since 2011 and.
According to the Chairman of the Foundation for Innovation planet, the main working system is the tool that is to absorb enemy radar frequency wave reflections are brought to the armaments belonging to the military. With the wave absorbed, then the enemy can not detect vehicles used in carrying out military operations.
"This innovation certainly helped enhance the role and duties of the military," said Avanti sidelines Panglimat Innovation award 2014 TNI TNI Headquarters, Cilankap, East Jakarta, Sunday (10/12/2014).
Technology development is done by a team of professors and students of IPB, which consists of Bambang RJ, Akhiruddin Maddu, and Esa Ghanim Fadhallah.
The three were eventually lined up to be one of the winning team in the 2014 Armed Forces Commander Innovation event TNI Commander General Moeldoko too, appreciate the development of these technologies. He requested that the research and development of technologies that can be accelerated so that it can be applied in TNI defense equipment.
Separately, Head of the Information Center, the military, Major General Fuad Basya said, the military will hold PT PINDAD in the application of this technology. In addition, the military also plans for this technology can be mass produced. Nevertheless, he said tests on anti radar equipment must be tested first in the TNI Research Agency.
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