Google released three ads promoting its new Android operating system, Android Lollipop. The ad offensive as Apple with its tagline, "Be together. Not the same."
With the tagline, Google is trying to explain to users that although Android devices currently available have different types of screen sizes, colors, and models, all have one aspect in common, that run the Android OS.
"All kind of phone. For all kind of folks," he concluded what Google Android OS 5.0 Lollipop was quoted as saying KompasTekno of Digital Trends.
Lollipop Android 5.0 is designed by Google to be used in all devices. By using the same Google account, users were promised would feel the same experience across all devices, whether smartphones, tablets, or PCs.
They could see the screen that displays the last activity they are doing, despite using different devices. Examples continue playing the song, video, applications, and so forth, from one device to another.
Android Concept diverse, but provide the same experience, it is different from the concept that all iOS device carries the same design as the iPhone 6. The model and size of the iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus everything is similar to the same interface.
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