

Experience the Japanese Transport Technology Bandung


   Bandung - Bandung City Government of Japan do pejajakan transportation technology. It is seen from Bandung City Government cooperation with the Japan Smart Community Alliance (JSCA) for the use of transport technology. 

Institutions which oversees 350 technology companies in Japan such, will transmit the latest transportation technologies to be used in the city of Bandung. 

Secretary of the Department of Transportation said Mulyana Enjang Bandung, Bandung cooperation between the municipal government and JSCA will involve other agencies, including the Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) and the National Highway Research, a research and applied technology traffic. 

"The plan we will make signing the LOI (letter of Intense) on September 27 this. Later no details as to what transportation technology cooperation," said Enjang, at City Hall Plaza Road Wastukancana Bandung, Thursday (18/09/2014). 

Enjang stated, the technology will be adapted Bandung city administration is integrated transportation system (ITS). 

The program will replace the transportation technology of automatic control system (ATPS) are already obsolete. 

"If you use, we can do to monitor areas that were jammed or modified traffic light. ITS is more sophisticated. Monitoring as ATCS, in one room. ATCS But the technology is already 20 years old and from Australia.'s Just that the factory has been closed," he said. 

Enjang mention, Bandung municipal government requires only for the use of ITS technologies and treatments will be performed by the human resources (HR) locally. 

"JSCA help development operation room. Also there is a trolleybus, but ITS is a priority," he said.