where they are stored in 12,000 shiny, galvanized steel containers.
But rather than being managed and maintained by librarians six cranes robots do the work.
The books have been cleaned and fitted with radio tags.
Students can search for books online and for those who prefer a more traditional approach, there is a "display shelves" which, as the name suggests, allows users to peruse the books as they would appear on the shelves.
When a student place an order online, the robot reads the tag and collect items - zooming up and down the five-story steel library.
University Librarian Mal said stand means more space for the most popular books that are used all the time.
"What we do is to choose the best books used - although it can be retrieved quickly and have put them here," he said.
"At that time the library is open for any other purpose.
"We have to put them on the shelves for the best lost among the tomes.
"There must be so high that they are easier to reach shelves -. Especially for people with disabilities"
Since opening in July, demand has stabilized.
Access library services manager, Sharlene Scobie said that the books are still giving people the old fashioned way - with librarians, push the cart.
"We have more than 600 apps and do not need to look for this book, we will take them - put it in the open so they can come and pick shelf," he said.
Millions of books still on the shelves
While technology is king - there is still a quarter of a million books on the shelves in two university libraries.
Mr Booth said he was not worried about the growing popularity of e-books because students prefer to read the reality and topics such as art and architecture, only nine percent of the texts have been moved online.
Ms Scobie said there are only elements that could never make it in the internet.
"We have an old magazine, so there. We have a map. Microfilm We also have things like newspapers," he said.
"A lot of this is not digital, so we are still able to access it and have seen it."
Unique technology, similar to airport
An academic library in the United States called on the electronic system "bookBot".
However, University of Technology, $ 28.5 million facility is a more boring name functional, but - Library System Restore.
Underground storage systems are more common in European libraries, where space is at a premium, but they are often slow and handled manually.
There are only two automated library storage systems in Australia. The other is Macquarie University in Sydney.
But technology at UTS is unique because: "It is entirely underground and uses radio frequency identification labels on all the elements," said Booth.
The project is based on technology "mini-load" is most often found in transportation and logistics.
"Used to provide spare parts at the airport when they need fast enough," said Booth.
"I never saw them in Woolworths and Coca-Cola Amatil all have facilities similar to this."
It even has its own moat to manage flooding underground.
"They are protected from mold, dust, from other damage that might come up," said Booth.
"Also when we get a big storm in Sydney, hopefully we will get a second delayed effect of flooding the trench to collect all of that too."
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